A silky, light and a simple Cantonese dessert. Milk pudding steamed in a coconut. It is an easy dessert. The only hard part it to crack open the coconut. I used a hammer. I guess when you use a young coconut it would be easier to cut off the top of the coconut.

- 1 coconut
- 2 egg whites
- 1,5 tbsp sugar
- 200 ml milk
For this recipe I have used an old coconut, but you can also use a young coconut. I used a hammer to open the coconut. Do not throw away the coconut water. It can be used for another dessert. Heat slightly 50 ml milk together with the sugar till the sugar has been dissolved. After, add the remaining milk and egg whites and mix well. Put the coconut on a bowl, so it is stable. Sieve the milk liquid before pouring into the coconut. Cover the coconut with plastic foil. Steam the milk pudding about 35 minutes. The milk pudding can be eaten hot or warm. The milk pudding has a delicate coconut flavor. The dessert is not only tasty, but also good for your skin.