Cocktail bun 鸡尾包

A classic bun among the Hong Kong “Western” pastry 西饼 is the cocktail bun aka kaimeibao/鸡尾包/chicken tail bun. It is a soft brioche like bun with a dried coconut flakes filling. The bun is a mix of ingredients (cocktail) which was left at the end of the day at the bakery. Not to waist food, the cocktail […]

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Wonton 馄饨

A classic Cantonese dish. My version of the wonton is a filling with pork belly, shrimp and water chestnut which gives the wonton a crunchy texture. Ingredients 300 gr. pork belly 1/2 cane of water chest nut or a cup full of fresh water chestnut 100 gr. shrimps 1 tbsp oyster sauce 2 tbsp light […]

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